Learn music, make connections, be yourself.

Here we have the Echo Guild, a creativity and music exploring, web-based learning platform— and a brand identity project. The goal for this project was to create a full branding strategy, a landing page and two sub-webpages, a social media strategy, brochure, and style guide. The only materials available at the start of the assignment was the brand name and general concept for the business. Our class had the privilege to work closely with our client, Joshua Grange, a touring and studio musician that established the Echo Guild. I started off with a design brief to establish my theme of nostalgia, and (accidentally) established the main graphic seen on the landing page and the brochure. Joshua was a great client to work with, and he ended up using an element from my web design on his actual site for the Echo Guild. You can reference that here.

Color Palette

Font Choices


Creative Brief
Web design— landing page &
two subpages
Social Media Strategy
Style Guide
